martedì 24 novembre 2015

Vatileaks, we're not martyrs, just reporters, says Nuzzi

Defence petitions were rejected Tuesday as the 'Vatileaks 2' trial against five people in the leaking of documents on alleged financial mismanagement and clerical overspending kicked off in a Vatican court.
    One of the two journalists on trial for publishing expose' books using leaked information, Gianlugi Nuzzi, told reporters that the pair were "not martyrs, just reporters".

Emotional farewell to Valeria Solesin in Venice

President Sergio Mattarella joined the mourners at the funeral, a civil ceremony which the 28-year-old's parents invited people of all faiths to attend, including Muslims. "It's as if Valeria were our daughter," said Mohamed Amin Al Ahdab, the president of Venice's Muslim community.

Italy said goodbye to Valeria Solesin with an emotional funeral in Venice's St Mark's Square on Tuesday. The Italian doctoral student was among the 130 victims of this month's attacks by Islamist terrorists in Paris.